create table week8student(SNO int primary key, SNAME char(8) not null unique,SEX char(2), DEPTNO int foreign key references week8dept(DEPTNO))
create table week8course(CNO int, CNAME char(20) not null,TNO int,CREDIT int, primary key(CNO,TNO), foreign key (TNO) references week8teacher(TNO))
create table week8sc(SNO int,CNO int,GRADE int, primary key(SNO,CNO), foreign key (SNO) references week8student(SNO))
create table week8teacher(TNO int primary key, TNAME char(8) not null, DEPTNO int foreign key references week8dept(DEPTNO))
create table week8dept(DEPTNO int primary key, DEPTNAME char(20) not null)
在 Student 表中加入属性 SAGE(INT 型 )alter table week8student add sage int将 Student 表中的属性 SAGE 类型改为 SMALLINT 型
alter table week8student alter column sage smallint
Alter table [表名] add [列名] 类型
2: 删除字段
Alter table [表名] drop column [列名]
3: 修改表中字段类型 (可以修改列的类型,是否为空)
Alter table [表名] alter column [列名] 类型
Alter table [表名] add constraint [ 约束名] primary key( [列名])
Alter table [表名] add constraint [ 约束名] unique([列名])
Alter table [表名] add constraint [约束名] default(默认值) for [列名]
Alter table [表名] add constraint [约束名] check (内容)
Alter table [表名] add constraint [约束名] foreign key(列名) referencese 另一表名(列名)
Alter table [表名] drop constraint [约束名]
exec sp_rename ‘[原表名]’,’[新表名]’
exec sp_rename ‘[表名].[列名]’,’[表名].[新列名]’
alter table table_name drop constraint clusteredName
在 Course 表上建立关于 CNO 降序 的唯一索引create unique index cno_index on week8course(CNO desc)查询数据结构这门课的平均成绩
select avg(sc.GRADE)'数据结构的平均成绩' from week8sc sc,week8course c where sc.CNO = c.CNO and c.CNAME='数据结构' group by sc.CNO
为计算机系的学生记录建立一个视图CS_STUDENT(create view....as)
create table:建表
create index:建立索引
create view CS_STUDENT as select s.SNO,s.SNAME,s.SEX,s.DEPTNO,d.DEPTNAME from week8student s,week8dept d where s.DEPTNO=d.DEPTNO and d.DEPTNAME='计算机'利用视图,列出所有计算机学生的姓名,选课名和成绩
select cs.SNAME 姓名,c.CNAME 课程名,sc.GRADE 成绩 from CS_STUDENT cs,week8sc sc,week8course c where c.CNO=sc.CNO and cs.SNO = sc.SNO
select count(s.DEPTNO)'人数',d.DEPTNAME'系名' from week8student s,week8dept d where s.DEPTNO=d.DEPTNO group by s.DEPTNO,d.DEPTNAME
select s.SNAME 选修总学分在10分以上 from week8course c,week8sc sc,week8student s where c.CNO=sc.CNO and s.SNO=sc.SNO group by s.SNAME having sum(c.CREDIT)>10
select m.CNO,s.SNAME,m.maxG from week8sc sc2,week8student s, (select sc1.CNO,max(sc1.GRADE)'maxG' from week8sc sc1 group by sc1.CNO)m where m.CNO=sc2.CNO and sc2.GRADE=m.maxG and sc2.SNO=s.SNO
select distinct SNO from week8sc sc1 where not exists( select * from week8sc sc2 where sc2.SNO='1002' and not exists( select * from week8sc sc3 where sc3.SNO = sc1.SNO and sc3.CNO = sc2.CNO))
select s.SNAME from week8student s where not exists ( select * from week8course c where c.TNO in( select t.TNO from week8teacher t where t.TNAME='张星' and not exists( select * from week8sc sc where sc.SNO=s.SNO and sc.CNO=c.CNO)) )
select s.SNAME,sc1.GRADE from week8sc sc1,week8student s where sc1.CNO in (select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构') and sc1.SNO = s.SNO
update week8sc set GRADE = GRADE+2 where SNO in ( select sc1.SNO from week8sc sc1,week8student s where sc1.CNO in (select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构') and sc1.SNO = s.SNO)
select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构'
select sc1.SNO from week8sc sc1,week8student s where sc1.CNO in (select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构') and sc1.SNO = s.SNO
update week8sc set GRADE = GRADE+2 where SNO in ( select sc1.SNO from week8sc sc1,week8student s where sc1.CNO in (select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构') and sc1.SNO = s.SNO)
select s.SNAME,sc1.GRADE from week8sc sc1,week8student s where sc1.CNO in ( select c.CNO from week8teacher t,week8course c where t.TNAME='张星' and t.TNO=c.TNO and c.CNAME='数据结构') and sc1.SNO = s.SNO删除马朝阳同学的所有选课记录(delete from)
delete from week8sc where SNO in (select SNO from week8student where SNAME='马朝阳')
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