平时服务端开发过程中,不可避免的需要对接口参数进行校验,比较常见的比如用户名不能为空、年龄必须大于0、邮箱格式要合规等等。如果通过if else去校验参数,校验代码会跟业务耦合,且显得很冗长。SpringBoot提供了一种简洁、高效的方式,通过@Validated/@Valid注解来做参数校验,大大提高了工作效率
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-validation
@Data public class UserVo implements Serializable { @NotBlank(message = "名字不能为空") @Size(min = 2, max = 50, message = "名字长度的范围为2~50") private String name; @Email(message = "邮箱格式不对") private String email; @NotNull(message = "年龄不能为空") @Min(18) @Max(100) private Integer age; @NotEmpty(message = "照片不能为空") private ListphotoList; }
@Slf4j @RestController public class UserController { @ApiOperation("保存用户") @PostMapping("/save/user") public ResultsaveUser(@RequestBody @Validated UserVo user) { return Result.ok(); } }
该方式适用于Controller中GET方法的参数校验,校验失败会抛ConstraintViolationException。它是通过类上加@Validated注解,方法参数前加@NotBlank等约束注解的方式来实现的,所以其它Spring Bean的方法也适用
@Slf4j @RestController @Validated public class UserController { @ApiOperation("查询用户") @GetMapping("/list/user") public Result> listUser( @Min(value = 100, message = "id不能小于100") @RequestParam("id") Long id, @NotBlank(message = "名称不能为空") @RequestParam("name") String name, @Max(value = 90, message = "年龄不能大于90") @RequestParam("age") Integer age) { List
list = new ArrayList<>(); return Result.ok(list); } }
public class ValidatorConfig { @Bean public Validator validator() { return Validation.byProvider(HibernateValidator.class) .configure() // 快速失败模式 .failFast(true) .buildValidatorFactory() .getValidator(); } }
@Service @Slf4j public class UserService { @Autowired private Validator validator; public boolean editUser(UserVo user) { Set> validateSet = validator.validate(user); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(validateSet)) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); for (ConstraintViolation violation : validateSet) { errorMessage.append("[").append(violation.getPropertyPath().toString()).append("]") .append(violation.getMessage()).append(";"); } throw new ValidationException(errorMessage.toString()); } return Boolean.TRUE; } }
@Target({METHOD, FIELD, ANNOTATION_TYPE, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Repeatable(UniqueName.List.class) @Constraint(validatedBy = {UniqueNameValidator.class}) public @interface UniqueName { String message() default "用户名重复了"; // 分组 Class>[] groups() default {}; Class extends Payload>[] payload() default {}; @Target({METHOD, FIELD, ANNOTATION_TYPE, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface List { UniqueName[] value(); } }
- 实现ConstraintValidator接口,并指定自定义注解
和验证的数据类型 - 重写isValid方法,实现验证逻辑
@Component public class UniqueNameValidator implements ConstraintValidator{ @Autowired private UserService userService; @Override public boolean isValid(String name, ConstraintValidatorContext context) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { return true; } UserVo user = userService.getByName(name); if (user == null) { return true; } return false; } }
@Data public class UserVo implements Serializable { @UniqueName private String name; }
public interface Boy { } public interface Girl { }
public class CustomGroupSequenceProvider implements DefaultGroupSequenceProvider{ @Override public List > getValidationGroups(UserVo user) { List > defaultGroupSequence = new ArrayList<>(); defaultGroupSequence.add(UserVo.class); if (user != null) { String sex = user.getSex(); if ("女".equals(sex)) { defaultGroupSequence.add(Girl.class); } } return defaultGroupSequence; } }
- 实体类上添加@GroupSequenceProvider(CustomSequenceProvider.class)注解
- 字段上添加@NotEmpty(message = "性别为女时照片不能为空", groups = {Girl.class})注解
@Data @GroupSequenceProvider(CustomSequenceProvider.class) public class UserVo implements Serializable { @NotBlank(message = "性别不能为空") private String sex; @NotEmpty(message = "性别为女时照片不能为空", groups = {Girl.class}) private ListphotoList; }
@Data public class UserVo implements Serializable { @Valid @NotNull(message = "地址不能为空") private Address address; }
@Data public class Address implements Serializable { @NotBlank(message = "地址名称不能为空") private String name; private String longitude; private String latitude; }
public class RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor extends AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor { @Override public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, @Nullable ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest, @Nullable WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception { parameter = parameter.nestedIfOptional(); Object arg = readWithMessageConverters(webRequest, parameter, parameter.getNestedGenericParameterType()); String name = Conventions.getVariableNameForParameter(parameter); if (binderFactory != null) { WebDataBinder binder = binderFactory.createBinder(webRequest, arg, name); if (arg != null) { validateIfApplicable(binder, parameter); if (binder.getBindingResult().hasErrors() && isBindExceptionRequired(binder, parameter)) { throw new MethodArgumentNotValidException(parameter, binder.getBindingResult()); } } if (mavContainer != null) { mavContainer.addAttribute(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + name, binder.getBindingResult()); } } return adaptArgumentIfNecessary(arg, parameter); } }
resolveArgument方法中的validateIfApplicable(binder, parameter)会对带有@valid/@validate注解的参数进行校验
protected void validateIfApplicable(WebDataBinder binder, MethodParameter parameter) { Annotation[] annotations = parameter.getParameterAnnotations(); for (Annotation ann : annotations) { Object[] validationHints = ValidationAnnotationUtils.determineValidationHints(ann); if (validationHints != null) { binder.validate(validationHints); break; } } } //会对@Validated注解或者@Valid开头的注解进行校验 public static Object[] determineValidationHints(Annotation ann) { Class extends Annotation> annotationType = ann.annotationType(); String annotationName = annotationType.getName(); if ("javax.validation.Valid".equals(annotationName)) { return EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; } Validated validatedAnn = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Validated.class); if (validatedAnn != null) { Object hints = validatedAnn.value(); return convertValidationHints(hints); } if (annotationType.getSimpleName().startsWith("Valid")) { Object hints = AnnotationUtils.getValue(ann); return convertValidationHints(hints); } return null; }
Spring通过一圈适配转换后,会把参数校验逻辑落到hibernate-validator中,在ValidatorImpl#validate(T object, Class>... groups)中做校验
public class ValidatorImpl implements Validator, ExecutableValidator { @Override public finalSet > validate(T object, Class>... groups) { Contracts.assertNotNull( object, MESSAGES.validatedObjectMustNotBeNull() ); sanityCheckGroups( groups ); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class rootBeanClass = (Class ) object.getClass(); BeanMetaData rootBeanMetaData = beanMetaDataManager.getBeanMetaData( rootBeanClass ); if ( !rootBeanMetaData.hasConstraints() ) { return Collections.emptySet(); } BaseBeanValidationContext validationContext = getValidationContextBuilder().forValidate( rootBeanClass, rootBeanMetaData, object ); ValidationOrder validationOrder = determineGroupValidationOrder( groups ); BeanValueContext, Object> valueContext = ValueContexts.getLocalExecutionContextForBean( validatorScopedContext.getParameterNameProvider(), object, validationContext.getRootBeanMetaData(), PathImpl.createRootPath() ); return validateInContext( validationContext, valueContext, validationOrder ); } }
public class ValidatorImpl implements Validator, ExecutableValidator { private boolean validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement(BaseBeanValidationContext> validationContext, ValueContext valueContext, final Map, Class>> validatedInterfaces, Class super U> clazz, Set > metaConstraints, Group defaultSequenceMember) { boolean validationSuccessful = true; valueContext.setCurrentGroup( defaultSequenceMember.getDefiningClass() ); //metaConstraints是@NotNull、@NotBlank、@Email这些约束注解的集合,一个个验证 for ( MetaConstraint> metaConstraint : metaConstraints ) { final Class> declaringClass = metaConstraint.getLocation().getDeclaringClass(); if ( declaringClass.isInterface() ) { Class> validatedForClass = validatedInterfaces.get( declaringClass ); if ( validatedForClass != null && !validatedForClass.equals( clazz ) ) { continue; } validatedInterfaces.put( declaringClass, clazz ); } boolean tmp = validateMetaConstraint( validationContext, valueContext, valueContext.getCurrentBean(), metaConstraint ); if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) { return false; } validationSuccessful = validationSuccessful && tmp; } return validationSuccessful; } }
public abstract class ConstraintTree { protected finalOptional validateSingleConstraint( ValueContext, ?> valueContext, ConstraintValidatorContextImpl constraintValidatorContext, ConstraintValidator validator) { boolean isValid; try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V validatedValue = (V) valueContext.getCurrentValidatedValue(); isValid = validator.isValid( validatedValue, constraintValidatorContext ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if ( e instanceof ConstraintDeclarationException ) { throw e; } throw LOG.getExceptionDuringIsValidCallException( e ); } if ( !isValid ) { //We do not add these violations yet, since we don't know how they are //going to influence the final boolean evaluation return Optional.of( constraintValidatorContext ); } return Optional.empty(); } }
public class NotBlankValidator implements ConstraintValidator{ /** * Checks that the character sequence is not {@code null} nor empty after removing any leading or trailing * whitespace. * * @param charSequence the character sequence to validate * @param constraintValidatorContext context in which the constraint is evaluated * @return returns {@code true} if the string is not {@code null} and the length of the trimmed * {@code charSequence} is strictly superior to 0, {@code false} otherwise */ @Override public boolean isValid(CharSequence charSequence, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) { if ( charSequence == null ) { return false; } return charSequence.toString().trim().length() > 0; } }
该方式本质是通过类上加@Validated注解,方法参数前加@NotBlank等约束注解来实现的。底层使用的是Spring AOP,具体来说是通过MethodValidationPostProcessor动态注册AOP切面,然后使用MethodValidationInterceptor对切点方法织入增强。以下是容器启动时初始化@Validated切点,以及MethodValidationInterceptor增强
public class MethodValidationPostProcessor extends AbstractBeanFactoryAwareAdvisingPostProcessor implements InitializingBean { private Class extends Annotation> validatedAnnotationType = Validated.class; @Nullable private Validator validator; @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() { Pointcut pointcut = new AnnotationMatchingPointcut(this.validatedAnnotationType, true); this.advisor = new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(pointcut, createMethodValidationAdvice(this.validator)); } protected Advice createMethodValidationAdvice(@Nullable Validator validator) { return (validator != null ? new MethodValidationInterceptor(validator) : new MethodValidationInterceptor()); } }
public class MethodValidationInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { @Override public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { // Avoid Validator invocation on FactoryBean.getObjectType/isSingleton if (isFactoryBeanMetadataMethod(invocation.getMethod())) { return invocation.proceed(); } Class>[] groups = determineValidationGroups(invocation); // Standard Bean Validation 1.1 API ExecutableValidator execVal = this.validator.forExecutables(); Method methodToValidate = invocation.getMethod(); Set> result; try { result = execVal.validateParameters( invocation.getThis(), methodToValidate, invocation.getArguments(), groups); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // Probably a generic type mismatch between interface and impl as reported in SPR-12237 / HV-1011 // Let's try to find the bridged method on the implementation class... methodToValidate = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod( ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(invocation.getMethod(), invocation.getThis().getClass())); result = execVal.validateParameters( invocation.getThis(), methodToValidate, invocation.getArguments(), groups); } if (!result.isEmpty()) { throw new ConstraintViolationException(result); } Object returnValue = invocation.proceed(); result = execVal.validateReturnValue(invocation.getThis(), methodToValidate, returnValue, groups); if (!result.isEmpty()) { throw new ConstraintViolationException(result); } return returnValue; } }
public class ValidatorImpl implements Validator, ExecutableValidator { @Override publicSet > validateParameters(T object, Method method, Object[] parameterValues, Class>... groups) { Contracts.assertNotNull( object, MESSAGES.validatedObjectMustNotBeNull() ); Contracts.assertNotNull( method, MESSAGES.validatedMethodMustNotBeNull() ); Contracts.assertNotNull( parameterValues, MESSAGES.validatedParameterArrayMustNotBeNull() ); return validateParameters( object, (Executable) method, parameterValues, groups ); } }
注解 | 说明 |
@AssertFalse | 验证 boolean 类型值是否为 false |
@AssertTrue | 验证 boolean 类型值是否为 true |
@DecimalMax(value) | 验证数字的大小是否小于等于指定的值,小数存在精度 |
@DecimalMin(value) | 验证数字的大小是否大于等于指定的值,小数存在精度 |
@Digits(integer, fraction) | 验证数字是否符合指定格式 |
验证字符串是否符合电子邮件地址的格式 | |
@Future | 验证一个日期或时间是否在当前时间之后 |
@FutureOrPresent | 验证一个日期或时间是否在当前时间之后或等于当前时间 |
@Max(value) | 验证数字的大小是否小于等于指定的值 |
@Min(value) | 验证数字的大小是否大于等于指定的值 |
@Negative | 验证数字是否是负整数,0无效 |
@NegativeOrZero | 验证数字是否是负整数 |
@NotBlank | 验证字符串不能为空null或"",只能用于字符串验证 |
@NotEmpty | 验证对象不得为空,可用于Map和数组 |
@NotNull | 验证对象不为 null |
@Null | 验证对象必须为 null |
@past | 验证一个日期或时间是否在当前时间之前。 |
@PastOrPresent | 验证一个日期或时间是否在当前时间之前或等于当前时间。 |
@Pattern(value) | 验证字符串是否符合正则表达式的规则 |
@Positive | 验证数字是否是正整数,0无效 |
@PositiveOrZero | 验证数字是否是正整数 |
@Size(max, min) | 验证对象(字符串、集合、数组)长度是否在指定范围之内 |
注解 | 说明 |
@Length | 被注释的字符串的大小必须在指定的范围内 |
@Range | 被注释的元素必须在合适的范围内 |
@SafeHtml | 被注释的元素必须是安全Html |
@URL | 被注释的元素必须是有效URL |